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The NYU Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness is devoted to foundational issues in the mind-brain sciences.  It takes an interdisciplinary approach, including philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, and other areas.

The directors of the Center are Ned Block and David Chalmers, both of whom are Professors of Philosophy and Neural Science at NYU.

The center hosts postdoctoral fellows and runs regular research workshops.  It also hosts a regular series of debates between leading researchers on foundational topics in the mind-brain sciences.



Past Events


April 19, 2024: Conference, The Emerging Science of Animal Consciousness

Co-hosted by the NYU Mind, Ethics, and Policy Program and the NYU Wild Animal Welfare Program, with co-sponsorship from NYU Animal Studies, the NYU Center for Bioethics, and the NYU Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness.

More details available at: https://sites.google.com/nyu.edu/nydeclaration/launch-event.

Speakers included: Kristin Andrews, Jonathan Birch, Lars Chittka, Robert Elwood, Becca Franks, Noam Miller, Jeff Sebo, Cleo Verkuijl, Alexandra Schnell, Anna Wilkinson, Katrina Wyman.




June 2023: Conference, ASSC 26

The Center organized the 26th meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, June 22-25 2023.

More details and reports available at: https://theassc.org/assc-26/ and https://twitter.com/ASSC26nyc 

Video recordings of four of the keynote talks and five of the symposia can be watched at the following links:


March 24, 2023: Debate, Do language models need sensory grounding for meaning and understanding?

March 25-26, 2023: Conference, The Philosophy of Deep Learning
The Center is co-sponsoring a debate on large language models, followed by a two-day conference on the philosophy of deep learning.

All talks in this event can be watched online at YouTube here:

Speakers include:

Yann LeCun (New York University / Meta AI), Brenden Lake (New York University), Jacob Browning (New York University), David Chalmers (New York University), Ellie Pavlick (Brown University / Google AI), Gary Lupyan (University of Wisconsin–Madison), Nuhu Osman Attah (University of Pittsburgh), Cameron Buckner (University of Houston), Patrick Butlin (University of Oxford), Rosa Cao (Stanford University), Tony Chen (MIT), Ishita Dasgupta (DeepMind), Jacqueline Harding (Stanford University), Anna Ivanova (MIT), Nikolaus Kriegeskorte (Columbia University), Brenden Lake (New York University / Meta AI), Grace Lindsay (New York University), Tal Linzen (New York University / Google AI), Robert Long (Center for AI Safety), Fintan Mallory (University of Oslo), Raphaël Millière (Columbia University), Ida Momennejad (Microsoft Research), Nicholas Shea (Institute of Philosophy, University of London), Anders Søgaard (University of Copenhagen), Philippe Verreault-Julien (Eindhoven University of Technology), Atoosa Kasirzadeh (University of Edinburgh), Wai Keen Vong (New York University), Sreejan Kumar (Princeton University), Will Merrill (New York University), Julia Minarik (University of Toronto), Jared Moore (University of Washington), Emin Orhan (New York University), Stephan Pohl (New York University), Hokyung Sung (MIT), Justin Tiehen (Puget Sound)



December 5th 2022: Talk, Investigating Nonhuman Consciousness

Organized by the Mind, Ethics, and Policy program, and co-sponsored by the Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, the Animal Studies Department, and the Center for Bioethics


Online event

Speakers: Jonathan Birch and Susan Schneider

More details here.

Watch the recording online here.



October 13th 2022: Talk, Are Large Language Models Sentient?

Organized by the Mind, Ethics, and Policy program, and co-sponsored by the Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, the Minds, Brains, and Machines initiative, and the Center for Bioethics


Hybrid event: in-person venue Jurow Hall, Silver Center, 31 Washington Place 

Speaker: David Chalmers

More details here.

Watch the recording online here.




May 9th: Debate, “Is Memory Continuous with Imagination?

In-Person Location: Jurow Hall, Silver Center, 31 Washington Place

Watch this debate on YouTube here

Felipe De Brigard (Duke)
Rob Hopkins (NYU)
Sarah Robins (Kansas)
Shayna Rosenbaum (York)

Attendance is free but registration (requiring proof of vaccination) is required for non-NYU guests. Please register no later than April 25th at forms.gle/tNqkBYPDcZxTdxY38 

Art Credit: Katlyn Beattie @vinegarpeach

Watch the recording online here.


October 24th, 2019: Debate, “Is Activity in Prefrontal Cortex Important for Conscious Perception?
Deutsches Haus
42 Washington Mews, New York, NY 10003

Biyu Jade He (NYU Medical Centre)
Hakwan Lau (UCLA)
Victor Lamme (University of Amsterdam)
Johannes Fahrenfort (University of Amsterdam)



May 3, 2019: Debate, “Is Psychoanalysis Relevant to Neuroscience?
Cantor Film Center
36 E 8th St. New York, NY 10003

Cristina Alberini (NYU, Neural Science)
Heather Berlin (Mt. Sinai, Psychiatry)
Mark Solms (Cape Town, Neuropsychology)
Robert Stickgold (Harvard, Psychiatry)

September 18, 2018: Debate, “Do Split Brain Patients Have Two Minds?
Jurow Lecture Hall
Silver Center
31 Washington Place
Joseph LeDoux (Center for Neural Science, NYU)
Yaïr Pinto (Psychology, University of Amsterdam)
Elizabeth Schechter (Philosophy, Washington University in St. Louis)
Predictive Coding PosterMay 8, 2018: Debate, “Does Hierarchical Predictive Coding Explain Perception?
Cantor Film Center
Room 101
Andy Clark (Philosophy, University of Edinburgh)
David Heeger (Center for Neural Science, NYU)
Lucia Melloni (Neurology, Max Planck Institute / NYU)
Michael Rescorla (Philosophy, UCLA)  



November 17-18, 2017: Conference, “Animal Consciousness
Co-sponsored with the NYU Center for Bioethics and NYU Animal Studies

Cantor Film Center (36 E 8th St)

Video Link

Speakers and panelists include:
Colin Allen (University of Pittsburgh, History & Philosophy of Science), Andrew Barron (Macquarie, Cognitive Neuroethology), Victoria Braithwaite (Penn State, Biology), Peter Carruthers (Maryland, Philosophy), Marian Dawkins (Oxford, Zoology), Daniel Dennett (Tufts, Philosophy), Stuart Derbyshire (National University of Singapore, Neuroscience), David Edelman (San Diego, Neuroscience), Todd Feinberg (Mt. Sinai, Neurology), Peter Godfrey-Smith (Sydney, Philosophy), Lori Gruen (Wesleyan, Philosophy), Brian Hare (Duke, Evolutionary Anthropology), Stevan Harnad (Montreal, Cognitive Science), Alexandra Horowitz (Barnard, Psychology), Eva Jablonka (Tel Aviv, Cohn Institute), Joseph LeDoux (NYU, Center for Neural Science), Björn Merker (Neuroscience), Diana Reiss (Hunter, Psychology), Peter Singer (Princeton, Philosophy), Michael Tye (Texas, Philosophy)


October 5, 2017: Debate, “Does AI Need More Innate Machinery?

Tishman Auditorium
NYU School of Law
40 Washington Square South

Video Link

Yann LeCun (Data Science, NYU; Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research)
Gary Marcus (Psychology, NYU; Founder, Geometric Intelligence)


April 17, 2016: Debate, “Is There Unconscious Perception?”

Silver Center (31 Washington Place), Jurow Hall.

Link to Video Recording of the Event.

Ned Block (NYU)
Marisa Carrasco (NYU)
Hakwan Lau (UCLA)
Megan Peters (UCLA)
Ian Phillips (Oxford)


October 14-15, 2016: Conference, “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
Co-sponsored with the NYU Center for Bioethics

Program and Abstracts

Video Link

Speakers and panelists:

Peter Asaro (The New School, Media Studies), John Basl (Northeastern University, Philosophy), Nick Bostrom (University of Oxford, Future of Humanity Institute), Meia Chita-Tegmark (Future of Life Institute), Kate Devlin (Goldsmiths College, University of London, Computer Science), Vasant Dhar (NYU Data Science, Stern), Virginia Dignum (Delft University of Technology, Technology, Policy and Management), Mara Garza (UC Riverside, Philosophy), Daniel Kahneman (Princeton, Psychology), Adam Kolber (Brooklyn Law), Yann LeCun (Facebook, NYU Data Science), S. Matthew Liao (NYU, Bioethics), Gary Marcus (NYU, Psychology), Steve Petersen (Niagara University, Philosophy), Francesca Rossi (IBM, University of Padova), Stuart Russell (UC Berkeley, Computer Science), Ronald Sandler (Northeastern University, Philosophy), Jürgen Schmidhuber (IDSIA, AI), Susan Schneider (University of Connecticut, Philosophy), Eric Schwitzgebel (UC Riverside, Philosophy), Jaan Tallinn (CSER), Max Tegmark (Future of Life Institute), Wendell Wallach(Yale, Bioethics), Stephen Wolfram (Wolfram Research), and Eliezer Yudkowsky (Machine Intelligence Research Institute).


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